Here you can find events organised to further the ATM, such as workshops or open datasprints. We also show other events where the ATM is present.
do26okt2023za28okt2023University Library Amsterdam
The University of Amsterdam organizes a conference centered around Urban Lives and Life Writing. There is an exciting lineup of key-note lectures and workshops given by our esteemed colleagues Julie Rak, Nina Siegal, Nadia Bouras and Diederik Oostdijk. Moreover, with over 40 papers the conference will be sure to provide each participant with a panoply of intellectually stimulating new insights on various aspects of life writing and the beautiful city of Amsterdam. More information will follow soon.
Read the call for papers hier, to get an idea of the content of the conference.
di17okt2023Universiteit Antwerpen
Janna Aerts and Leon van Wissen will present at the Geo Workshop 'Reading Historical Maps in a Digital Era' at the University of Antwerp. The title of their contribution is “developing and extending Amsterdam's location infrastructure for data linking and querying, The Amsterdam Time Machine approach”.
di26sep2023wo27sep2023Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
During this conference, our researcher Janna Aerts will present her project “Digital Humanities and Life Writing: A case study of deep mapping Amsterdam diaries and letters”. The conference is centered around the following.
Digital methods, technologies, and formats have increasingly gained traction in the study of life narratives and biographical data, as well as in the presentation of historical lives. Auto/biographical research and practice are aided significantly by biographical research databases and platforms, biographical online dictionaries, digital editions of historical life documents as well as community- and institutionally driven online archives and web-based collaborative Wiki formats, which are characterised by accessibility, searchability, and user-orientedness. In addition, they often encourage interactive participation, and generally open up new quantitative and qualitative pathways / approaches to biographical research.
For more information, click hier
You can read the abstract of Janna's presentation here:
for more informationBezig met laden...
wo05jul2023za08jul2023University of Warsaw
The theme of the IABA Europe Conference 2023 is 'Life-Writing in Times of Crisis' and we be held at the University of Warsaw in Poland. Our researcher Janna Aerts will present her research in a session about Wartime Diaries: "Societal, Personal and Literary Crises in Amsterdam And Brussels’ Occupation Diaries From the Second World War".
Diaries are often considered to be a crisis genre in which people can write about the problems and worries they experience. In times of war and occupation, this aspect gains even more importance: diary writing often becomes an indispensable ritual of reflection, allowing the author to process this large-scale and impactful crisis in their life. Nevertheless, this paper will demonstrate how the authors of occupation diaries during the Second World War do not only reflect on the war crisis, but use the act of diary writing to cope with different types of hardships in their life. These crises can be categorised into three types: societal, personal and literary crises. It will examine three Brussels’ occupation diaries by Dutch-speaking authors (Ernest Claes, August Vermeylen and Jan Walravens) in comparison to one Amsterdam occupation diary (by Toby Vos). By examining the impact of the three types of crises on the occupation diaries, this paper will explore what role diary writing plays in the daily life of the diary authors and how it can serve as a tactic to deal with the different types of crises they experience.Klik hier for the full programme.
ma26jun202314:00 - 18:00Startup Village 608 Science Park 1098 XH Amsterdam
Startup Village organizes an event about AI in Cartography, in collaboration with the Allard Pierson Museum and the Amsterdam Time Machine.
Join us on June 26th for an exciting and interactive afternoon (for FREE) dedicated to exploring cutting-edge AI advancements in cartography. Get ready to immerse yourself in a day filled with inspiration, knowledge sharing, and valuable networking opportunities with like-minded individuals who are passionate about the latest AI technologies in cartography.
14:00 – 14:15: Walk-in
14:15 – 14:30: Welcome by Allard Pierson
14:30 – 15:30: Interactive session with Linear Logic. Zeta Alpha, Amsterdam Time Machine
15:30 – 15:45: Short break
15:45 – 16:30: Open Stage - You can join and pitch your AI idea on stage to a relevant audience!
16:30 – 17:15: Wrap-up and summary of the day
17:15 – 18:15: Drinks, bites & networkingKlik hier to register.
vr02jun20239:00 amOpenbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (OBA) Oosterdok
This event is in Dutch.
Het hoofddoel van de City Deal Kennis Maken (CDKM) is om door een betere samenwerking tussen stadsbestuur en kennisinstellingen het oplossen van maatschappelijke opgaven in de steden te versnellen. Dit door onderzoekers, docenten en studenten hier grootschalig bij te betrekken. Inmiddels zijn er 20 steden actief in dit landelijke netwerk. Onze projectmanager Boudewijn Koopmans zal samen met Ahmed Emin Batman een workshop leiden.
In deze workshop vertellen kunstenaar & documentairemaker Ahmed Emin Batman en Boudewijn Koopmans over de samenwerking die ze dit jaar startten. Ahmed werkt aan het vastleggen van pakkende verhalen van Turkse gastarbeiders in de Amsterdamse haven. Boudewijn werkt als projectmanager van de ATM aan het digitaal tot leven brengen van de Amsterdamse geschiedenis. Ze onderzoeken hoe de verhalen van de Turkse gastarbeiders verbonden kunnen worden met informatie uit archieven, andere (museale) collecties zodat deze verhalen hun verdiende plek krijgen in de geschiedenis van de stad.
Je kunt je aanmelden om mee te doen aan de vele inspirerende werksessies via deze website.
wo31mei2023vr02jun2023Royal Library of Belgium (KBR)
The 10th edition of the Digital Humanities Benelux Conference will take place in Belgium at the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR).The annual DHBENELUX Conference serves as a platform for the community of interdisciplinary Digital Humanities researchers to meet, present and discuss their latest research findings and to demonstrate tools and projects.
Our researcher Janna Aerts, project manager Boudewijn Koopmans and programmer Leon van Wissen will present our pilot project around the Jewish History of Amsterdam on Thursday 1 June. You can read their short paper here:
Bezig met laden...
di18apr20239:00 amHybrid
Our project manager Boudewijn Koopmans will lead a workshop during the Europeana Conference under the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU, 'Accelerating 3D in the common European data space for cultural heritage: Why 3D matters.' The Europeana conference under the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU will take place on 18 April 2023 (9h00 - 15h00 CET). The conference will be hosted by the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm (invite only) and online (open to public). This hybrid event is made possible thanks to the support of the Swedish Ministry of Culture, and is organised in collaboration with the Swedish National Heritage Board. The conference will focus on 3D. We will explore the why and wherefores of 3D in digital cultural heritage: why 3D matters; diversity and variety of content suitable for 3D digitisation; sharing best practices, and much more. We aim to look into aspects, insights and inspirations on 3D as one of the main facets of the common European data space for cultural heritage and the digital transformation of the sector. If you are a digital cultural heritage professional, are interested in the common European data space for cultural heritage, or you work with and around 3D in culture, you would get the opportunity to extend your knowledge and be inspired.
ma17apr202310:30 amVerkadefabriek Den Bosch
Het Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (NDE) organiseert in samenwerking met Erfgoed Brabant een data-doe-dag voor collectiebeherende organisaties. Onze eigen projectmanager Boudewijn Koopmans zal hier ook een presentatie geven. Op de website van het Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed vind je meer informatie over het evenement en de workshops.
Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je metadata op orde zijn? Hoe maak je informatie over erfgoed voor zoveel mogelijk mensen zichtbaar? Hoe verbind je jouw digitale collectie met andere kennisbronnen? Hoe werk je met het Termennetwerk in jouw systeem? Hoe voorkom je de beruchte 404-melding? Hoe zet je crowdsourcing in? Hoe… Tijdens de Data-Doe-Dag helpen collega’s van erfgoedorganisaties je in praktische werksessies. Neem dus vooral je data en je laptop mee en stel gerust je vragen aan het data-clean-team.Programma
Er zijn 12 verschillende sessies in 3 rondes. Je kunt ter plekke kiezen aan welke 3 workshops je meedoet. Of bezoek het data-clean-team dat de hele dag voor je klaar staat.
10.00 – 10.30 Inloop
10.30: Ontvangst door Patrick Timmermans, directeur Erfgoed Brabant
10.45 – 12.00 Doe-ronde 1: keuze uit 3 workshops en data-clean-team
12.00 – 13.15 Lunch
13.15 – 14.30 Doe-ronde 2: keuze uit 3 workshops en data-clean-team
14.45 – 16.00 Doe-ronde 3: keuze uit 3 workshops en data-clean-team
16.00 – 16.30 Plenaire afsluiting
16.30 – 18.00 BorrelMeld je aan!
Deelname aan deze dag is gratis, maar schrijf je wel even van tevoren in. Mocht je toch niet kunnen of andere vragen hebben, laat het weten via
do23mrt202315:00 - 17:00Chocoladefabriek, Gouda
Geïnspireerd door de Venice Time Machine wordt in Nederland op verschillende plaatsen gewerkt aan lokale en regionale Time Machines, aangesloten bij de Europese Time Machine Organization. Onderzoekers, geschiedenisliefhebbers en programmeurs werken aan het digitaliseren van bronnen en het visualiseren van vele eeuwen geschiedenis. Veel werk wordt daarbij verzet in de eigen omgeving. Wij hebben echter de overtuiging dat kennisuitwisseling en samenwerking kan bijgedragen aan het succes van de initiatieven in Nederland.
Tijdens de landelijke bijeenkomst op 23 maart openen we plenair met een update van vier tijdmachines in Nederland. Daarna gaan we aan de slag met de thema’s kennisdeling en het aangaan van partnerships. We sluiten af met het maken van vervolgafspraken en praten graag door tijdens de borrel.