Lead by Madelon Simons, this project consisted in remodelling the shop and house of a sixteenth-century Amsterdam painter, Dirck Barendsz. The intention of the project was to explore virtual interiors as interfaces to historical data. While historical data can often be studied by way of quantification, qualitative close-reading and theContinue Reading

Between November 2014 and December 2015, Julia Noordegraaf, Loes Opgenhaffen and Norbert Bakker collaborated on building a 3D visualisation of Cinéma Parisien, one of the first permanent cinema theatres in Amsterdam, established in 1910 by cinema owner and distributor Jean Desmet (1875-1956). The project aimed to investigate the affordances of 3DContinue Reading

We analyse the gendering of urban space in the early modern city. It is widely held that between 1600 and 1850, women gradually withdrew from the public sphere of the street and moved to the private sphere of the home. This powerful narrative, linked to theories of modernisation, has created a conceptual stranglehold that sees public space as exclusively male and private space as entirely female, thereby obscuring the actual workings of gender in pre-industrial urban societies.Continue Reading